Skylarks by Karen Gregory

In Joni’s family, money is tight. Her parents work hard to get by and even Joni has a job at the library, while also going to school. While there are always money worries, everything always seems to work out. But her dad’s back is getting worseP1040172, and other troubles arrive on the horizon. Then Joni meets Annabel, rich, lovely, actually pretty sweet Annabel, and there’s a spark between them. But will it survive their class difference, or Annabel’s parents’ disapproval?


Trigger warnings: classism, elitism, money troubles, discrimination, mild violence (but not to a person)

I think this is an important book. For one, it normalizes f/f relationships in a context that’s for once not necessarily about homophobia and coming out (although we need those books, they just need to be not the only books about LGBTQ+ people). It’s important to have stories with f/f and m/m relationships that aren’t always about the struggle with the sexuality itself, but just about the struggle of being in a relationship (you know, like straight people in almost all books). And this book really depicted this teenage relationship as just that, a teenage relationship, and all the drama that comes with it. Of course, there were mentions of homophobia and coming out and how they might be problems, but those are not at the heart of this story, and that’s refreshing to read.

But what is most prominent in this book is the class dichotomy of working class and upper class. It’s about how the rich want to get richer, while the poor struggle to get by, to not be homeless, even when they work more than full time, even when multiple family members have jobs. This book is a great portrayal of that struggle, that constant anxiety that it creates and how hard it is to get out of it (if at all possible, as the rich profit from the poor being kept poor). It really makes you realize how the worries seep into a person, till it can become everything they think of. And how shit just isn’t fair, while it should be. This is something that needs to be talked about more.

Besides that, it’s also a cute, fluffy love story about standing up for yourself and becoming who you really are. It’s about finding strength and voice and courage to do what you believe is right. It’s about first love and figuring out how to be in a relationship with someone, especially when your lives are so incredibly different. The romantic moments are so sweet and cute it’ll make you feel all gooey inside.

However… I didn’t like Skylarks as much as I wanted to. What made me get impatient with this book was the writing. It felt odd and illogical and jumpy at times. It made me want to skim pages just to get through it. I didn’t feel like the characters came to live and they kept feeling a little flat and predictable. They just didn’t really became real. And I’m a big fan of character driven novels, and perhaps this wasn’t really, but I felt like this book could’ve been better. Dialogue felt sometimes odd and unnatural, the plot felt in many ways very predictable. Nothing seemed really surprising, except perhaps the ending a little. I really got the idea like the plot and the characters were not really a story or people, but rather vehicles to show this really important societal issue. And yeah, it’s really important to write about these things and have people read about these things, but I still feel this book could have been done better technically.

All in all a cute, emotional love story about important subjects, but I feel like it could have been done better.


Skylarks is out on May 3rd, and you can pre-order it here*

I was kindly given a review copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 


*Affiliate link. If you buy something from bookdepository using this link, I will get a 5% cut, but it won’t cost you anything! 





7 thoughts on “Skylarks by Karen Gregory

  1. I’ve been contemplating requesting this one on NetGalley and after reading your review, I’m still doubting, haha. I’m going to YALC and I know the author’s going to be there so that’s one reason. I also love LGBTQIA+ books because “hi, I’m bi” so that’s always another reason for reading books like this but… I don’t know. Flat characters is something I loathe. Especially with a queer novel, I really want them all fleshed out. I’ll have to check out some more reviews before making up my mind. :’)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do have to say, I might be a little demanding when it comes to how characters are written? I’ve seen some reviews on Goodreads and they’re all very positive, so perhaps I just want too much from it. I don’t know, I just thought it missed something, something to actually bring them to live, but you might think totally different! Especially if you might see the author it might be worth the try?? Haha these things are always difficult aren’t they :’D

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, you’re not the only one though! Sometimes I can look past it if the book / story has other redeeming qualities and I’m like.. “Okay, that’s a bit less but the rest is amazing soooo” but that isn’t always the case. :’)
        Haha, I still have to look through all the authors coming. I have some books on my owned TBR of some so I’m giving those priority and then I’ll have to decide which ones seem worth buying and hopefully worth bringing to YALC to get signed. Such a hassle. xD I also have no CLUE how many I should take or will be able to get signed.. I don’t want to bring a ton and then not get half of them signed and stuff like that. xD


      • Yeah, I think if you just don’t expect too much this book is still a good read, like the plot was fun enough!
        And omg that just sounds so fun though! I didn’t even know there was something like YALC till I just googled it 😛 Just bring your favorites 😉 Hope you’ll get them all signed!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well.. I miiiight just request it, haha!
        Ooooh, you’re in for something. The whole blogosphere is going to be upside down when YALC is near with people sharing their TBR’s, tips and everything. Last year I was sooo jealous of everyone going, haha.
        Thank you!

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