Some Writing News: I Won a Contest!

So I have some really cool news, I won the Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest this year with my story ‘Ice’!

I also got to read my own story for the Weird Christmas podcast (you can find the podcast here, my story begins at 61:00) which was both cool and scary as I’m not a native speaker, but I think I did my best.

But you can just also read ‘Ice’ here (scroll down a little) together with 2nd prize winner and all the honorable mentions (all such great quality!) so please check out my story and all the other stories and the podcast and the rest of the Weird Christmas site. If you like dark folklore and strange Christmas things, I promise you’ll enjoy the podcast and the rest of the blog (I know I do).

And if you enjoy the stories, I have more creepy Christmas flash pieces on my writing blog as well.

*insert me doing a happy dance because I’m so excited*

Merry Christmas,


Calming Coloring Pages

Here are some happy coloring pages I made for these corona virus times. We had to entertain a couple of kids for a short time so I made them for them to color in, and I decided I’d put them online, too. I’m not a professional artist so there will be mistakes in them, but you might enjoy them anyway.

You can download them for free and print them and color them. Entertain your kids or yourself during your self-isolation or quarantine!

Garden Cat PDF

Sunflower Cat PDF

Mountain Cat PDF

Garden Cat

Anticipated Book Releases | April – June

We’re already three months into this year and I really just can’t believe it. It shouldn’t already be almost April. It really shouldn’t. But it is anyway! It’s ridiculous. 24 years on this planet and I still cannot grasp the concept of time. Anyway, enough existential contemplation, it’s also time for another anticipated book releases post, for the second quarter of the year.


  • You’d be Mine by Erin Hahn by (April 2nd)
    YA contemporary about country music? Count me IN!
  • Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett (April 16th)
    YA contemporary about a mysterious, reclusive author? Count me IN! 😛
  • Again, but Better by Christine Riccio (May 7th)
    It’s about a girl who worked too hard in school and now realized she doesn’t have much of a life beyond it, so she decides to turn her life around and do it all differently. Very excited about this New Adult book 🙂
  • Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki & Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (May 7th)
    This is a graphic novel about a girl who has a girlfriend who is not great at being a girlfriend. I really loved That Summer and I’m really excited to see more of this author.
  • The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen (June 4th)
    Hey I’m BIG Sarah Dessen fan and I will pre-order whatever she releases and I’m so, so excited for this new novel!!
  • When I Arrived At The Castle by Emily Carroll (June 19th)
    I’m a great fan of Emily Carroll, even though I’m usually not such a horror fan, but her graphic novel stories are just the right amount of horror and ghost story and just plain weird. I love them and they give be the shivers like nothing else does and I’m very excited about her new book.


All right that’s it for now 🙂 Are you excited about any of these books? Let me know in the comments!

Some Books You May Not Have Heard of That Definitely Deserve More Hype

Sometimes we encounter books and read them and love them then draw a deep breath to shout about them into the void that is the internet only to realize that.. no one has heard of these books. Or at least they don’t seem to be talking about them because they’re now backlisted or never got much hype to begin with. (Disclaimer, maybe some of these books are well-known, but I just haven’t seen them be talked about since I got involved in the book community).

I know a bunch of these books, so today I’m talking about some of them 🙂 Here are some books from my book shelf that I haven’t seen anyone talk about recently and I think need a little more hype.

  • The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
    I’ve mentioned this book now in multiple lists and I STILL have yet to review it! It has multiple points of view, and tells stories that I haven’t often seen told before, all against the 1970s Alaska. It very delicately shows how life is in that place and time, and it’s really cool to read and really well-written. Full review here.IMG_20190223_155832_401
  • The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff
    I first read this when I was a young teenager, when I borrowed it from my school library and it stuck in my head for ten years. Ten years. I kept thinking about it from time to time so in 2017 I bought an English copy and reread it and it’s just so good, quiet and lyrical but also full of morning dew and freedom and grass beneath your feet. In the reviews I’ve read about it most people write that they were disappointed because it’s so different from Rosoff’s other work, so keep that in mind. I tried to read How I Live Now but I couldn’t get through it, but I absolutely loved The Bride’s Farewell, so don’t expect that. Full review here.
  • Supergirl Mixtapes by Maegan Brothers
    Okay, so I read this years ago, but I thought it was a pretty unique YA contemporary that features a useless mom and a struggling music-obsessed teen in New York City. But it’s also pretty dark at times, and I think it features (I think off-page) self-harm and suicide is maybe mentioned. I’d need to reread it again for more details, but I remember really loving it and thinking it was so.. different (at least at the time) from most YA, and I have NEVER seen anyone mention it!IMG_20190223_160227_785
  • Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider
    All right, this one has quite a lot of ratings on Goodreads and it was published only four years ago but… it’s really good and I haven’t really seen anyone talk about it lately. It’s about a group of kids who are ill, who are sent to a boarding school to be all sick together. I think it’s because of contagion, or something, but I don’t remember the details, but I do remember how this boarding school life was described and the friendships and the characters, and I remember really loving it.
  • The Princess and the Fool by Paul Neafcy
    This is a really cool, self-published fantasy novel that takes fairytale tropes and uses them in a novel form, full of dare-devilry and adventure and dark things and very funny jokes. (Read my full review here).


All right that’s enough for this post 🙂 Soon I’ll be posting a part two with more cool books! Hope you enjoyed it!

Film & Fiction | Chocolat by Joanne Harris vs Chocolat (2000)

Welcome to Film & Fiction, where we compare books to the movie adaptations even though we really shouldn’t! This time I’m going to talk about the book Chocolat by Joanne Harris (you can read my book review here) and the movie Chocolat (2000) directed by Lasse Hallström. This post may contain spoilers, for both the movie and the book! Be warned! (By the way, this is not really a review post, but more my rambling thoughts on the adaptation.)

First of all, I need to mention that Chocolat is one of my favorite movies. I’ve seen it and endless amount of times because it’s such a sweet and nice thing to watch when you’re feeling under the weather (which I am, quite often). But I had never read the book, so I thought it high time to do so and I was really, really surprised with how different it was from the movie. Not just because it was a different medium, but the entire tone and setting had changed!IMG_20190109_185029_393

The thing that surprised me most was that in adapting the story to a movie, they placed the plot in an entirely different decade. The book is set in the 90s (I guess, because they talk about VHS tapes), but the movie is set in 1959. Now I have to admit, I do get why they would make a choice like that, because that sense of stifling oppression from the church (which is a very present theme in the book) makes more sense (to a 2000s audience) if it’s set in the 50s than when it’s set in the 90s. At least that’s my theory.

Something that was also strangely different, were the two main characters, Vianne (the chocolat shop keeper) and Reynaud (the priest). Vianne is a much more realistic and much less romantic character in the book. She’s definitely less sure of herself, has more difficult emotions and struggles much more with her fears. In the movie, she gets a romantic background, rather than the troubled past she has to struggle with in the book. It makes for a less complex character, but it also makes the tone of the story much less dark. A lot of the dark undertone of the book comes from Vianne’s struggle with her past, and that’s completely gone in the movie, that actual depth of human darkness and twistedness.

Besides that, all of the magical realism (her ability to get an idea of people’s thoughts, is diminished to her uncanny ability to guess people’s favorite chocolat, which I thought was a bit of a shame. However, the type of magic used in the book would be really difficult to convey in film because it’s basically just another sense and she never talks about it with other characters.

Another way in which the movie is a lot less dark than the book is through the character of Reynaud. In the book, Reynaud also gets a POV for some chapters and we hear his thoughts and musings as he talks to his comatose father. He struggles with his own dark thoughts and traumas and we get to see how twisted he is in many ways. It really lays bare how strange and dark humans can be, and how they can get twisted under pressures. IMG_20190223_154705_809In the movie, all of this is smoothed out, till all there’s left of the troubled and dangerous priest is a middle-aged man who misses his wife. He isn’t even a priest anymore, but a mayor (I think) which I find a very interesting choice. They wrote in a new character to play the priest, who is a very kind and a little naive young man, perhaps not to offend people and to avoid setting the Church in a bad light. It changes the whole idea of where the pressure put on this village comes from. Rather than from a tradition of centuries of religion used to oppress people, it stems from a misguided man who tries to distract himself from the fact that his wife has left him. It makes all he does so much more forgivable.

I just remembered that another character is written completely differently, which is Armande Voizin’s daughter. In the movie Caroline keeps her son away from her mother because she is overly cautious after her husband’s death, and is angry at her mother for not treating her diabetes properly. She’s just a worried and scared woman who is trying to protect herself, even if it means shutting everything and everyone out. It’s a little heartbreaking. But in the book, she’s only interested in how her mother’s ‘scandalous’ behavior reflects upon her and if she will ever get her inheritance. It’s a much darker and much colder character, and there’s nothing redeemable about her.

The conclusion is that in the movie most of the characters’ evil completely stripped away and what is needed for the plot is changed just so it is redeemable, because they are just sad or afraid and actually do really mean well – rather than the dark and selfish people they are in the book. It results in a much less dark story, more in a bitter-sweet kind of feel-good movie. But also the characters have less depth and less realism and are just less interesting because of all that.

Honestly, I enjoyed the book as well, and they’re both amazing in their own way, but they are very, very different in tone and mood.

Some Short Books For A Short Attention Span

These past few weeks I’ve been reading lots of short books, mostly because I’ve been reading so many longer and more difficult books this winter and I wanted to read things that didn’t take so long. Then I thought, others probably have that same problem, too, sometimes, so I made a list of shorter books that I really enjoyed at some point! The books on this list are between 185 and 250 pages long, but they vary in font size and how much white there is on the page, so some might be shorter than they seem!


  • The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff
    This is a very short book, only 185 pages, but it’s so full of story and lovely and harsh images, it’s almost like a painting or a folk song.
  • The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
    A very lovely and heartbreaking tale of four teenagers who all in some ways influence each others life by chance, but it’s about much more. It’s also about a time and a place and life in general. About 250 pages. CW: domestic abuse
  • Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
    A really nice and cute children’s book that I think is pretty widely known. I love the movie and the book is really cute, although a little different. About 140 pages.
  • Stardust by Neil Gaiman
    Again, I loved the film way before I ever read the book and the book is just as good, just pretty different and way more.. mature in some places. Really cool and really funny!  248 pages.
  • Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner
    A fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian novel of 247 pages, a pretty cool book about magic and community and fighting for what you believe in even if you’ve been told all your life it’s evil. CW: domestic abuse.
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
    Opinions are divided about this one. It’s pretty well-known but I’ve seen people absolutely hate it and love it. I really loved it and finished it within a day. I guess the ending is kinda predictable, but I feel like the way it gets there isn’t so predictable. Anyway, it’s well-written and about 240 pages.
  • We Are Okay by Nina LaCour
    One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors, this is a very beautiful and sensitive book about being let down and forgiveness and healing from tragedy. Read my full review here. About 240 pages.


I tried to make it a mix of genres, so I hope there’s something for everyone 🙂 Happy reading!


30 Books Marie Kondo Couldn’t Make Me Part With

Yes, the title is the joke. I will personally fight anyone hating on Marie Kondo, who is just trying to help people. I could write a whole essay about why it’s so stupid that people make fun of her/are actually really, really mean to her for no reason at all but I don’t really have the energy for that. She’s just trying to help people (who ASK HER to help them) and she NEVER said you’re the devil for having more than 30 books, or whatever it is people seem to think she’s said. (Also this person raises a really interesting point.)


This post is inspired by (cough cough, completely copied from) this video, by a youtuber called Leena Norms who is really cool and talks about books but also other things and you should definitely check out.

This youtuber made a video about the 30 books she would never get rid of, and I thought it’d be cool to do a post in the same vein as well. Now, I’m pretty good about getting rid of books, as you might have been of my big unhaul posts from last month, but these are the books I would really, really want to keep if I needed to choose!


1. De Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
I had this really beautiful Dutch children’s edition of The Hobbit and I’ve had it since I was a child, so I would definitely be upset if I lost that. I don’t even think they print this edition anymore!
2-4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
I just really love these books, I always want to keep them at hand.
5-10. Literally all of Sarah Addison Allen’s Books.
Her books are really great romantic, magical realism set in the American South, full of sweet tea and summer breezes and just a tiny bit of magic. I love to read these books again and again, any time I need a pick-me-up and a hint of summer. They’re my favorite comfort books. I love all her novels, but my favorite is The Sugar Queen.
11-13. The Raven Boys Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
I’ve read this series over and over again and I love them so much. I never want to part with my well thumbed copies.
14. All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater
What can I say? I loved it. (Read my review here)
15. The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff
This is a beautiful tale of a young girl who runs off on the morning of her wedding, trying to escape a life she never wanted. It’s like a folksong in novel form, or like a painting in words. I love it and I will post a review very soon 🙂
16. The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
I just posted a review of this, but it’s a really cool book about four teenagers who touch each others lives in unexpected ways, set in Alaska in the 70s. Really touching and full of raw humanity.
17. The Princess and the Fool by Paul Neafcy
One of my favorite books this mixes fairytale with traditional high fantasy and adventure/action and comedy. It’s very funny and very dark and has amazing characters that always have a new side of themselves to show. Read my full review here.
18-21. Inkheart Trilogy by Cornelia Funke
I absolutely loved this series as a teenager and though I haven’t picked it up in years (I really want to, though) I would never ever get rid of these books. Mostly because I have such beautiful editions, hardback with the most beautiful black and white illustrations. Even the paper is gorgeous and the smell! I believe I once said that that’s how all books should look like.
22. Uprooted by Naomi Novik
One of my absolute favorite fantasy books, it has everything I love, magic, a cool heroine who kicks ass, nature and creepy trees!
23. Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
I just really love her fairytale retellings, all right? This is such a beautifully written book and so painfully touching. Read my full review here.
24. This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
I love all of Dessen’s books, but this one is my favorite and I could never, ever part with by well-worn copy.
25. Last Chance by Sarah Dessen
Just like this one, I’ve read it many, many times and will continue to do so. It’s such an uplifting and relatable book.
26. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
This is my favorite graphic novel of all times. It’s so funny and unexpected and I love how the story seems to grow on the pages, as if it’s constantly improvised as you’re reading it. But also the mix of sci-fi and fantasy and such a cool and interesting look on fantasy tropes.
27. The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
These books are just unbelievably beautifully crafted and I just really love fairytales, all right, especially Russian ones. Read my full review here.
28. The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald
I realize I don’t have a lot of contemporary books on this list, but this is one of my favorite. It features sleepy small towns, friendship, books, books and more books. And a really great collection of super funny characters!
29. The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson
A really cool historical novel about a girl trying to survive winter in Paris in very little money, good fortune, bad fortune and revenge. Read my full review here.
30. Fender Lizards by Joe R. Lansdale
Very different sort of YA with an MC who is allowed to be ‘not girlish’ and actually pretty angry and aggressive, and just be a normal human being. But there’s also roller derby and learning to have some faith in life sometimes.


Pfew, that was a long list. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

Pretty Cool Books With Little to No Romance

Sometimes it feels like EVERY book has a romantic subplot. Some are pretty cool and others are pretty boring but there are just SO MANY. It’s rare when I find a book that doesn’t have a romantic subplot and I’m always so happy when they don’t. And as it’ll be Valentines’ day next week and I’m slowly but surely getting pretty sick of all the romance in books, and honestly all the romance in general around this time, here’s a list of pretty cool books that have no or barely any romance in them!

  • A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge
    One of the few books on this list that actually does not have any romance in it, not even in the background. It’s a really cool creepy, ghostly, historical fantasy adventure! (Read my full review here).
  • The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson
    This is one of my favorite books, it’s so full of story and cool characters against a backdrop of late 1800s Paris, all without any romantic subplot. Sure, one of the smaller characters has some sort of vague romantic thing happening but it’s off page and the scene is mostly meant for something else and another character is about to get engaged but that’s IT. (Read my full review here)
  • The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
    This is a really cool middle-grade book set in winter, full of fantasy and magic and a really cool protagonist. Only a little romance on the edges of the story because the MC’s sister is older, but other than that nothing at all! (Read my review here).
  • Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
    A really cool book about the importance of friendship, but also about fame and doing what you love, instead of what you think you should do. Some romance on the sidelines by minor characters but actually all off-page. (Read my full review here)
  • The Princess and the Fool by Paul Neafcy
    A really cool fantasy book based on fairytale tropes but made better, with basically no romantic plot. Except there are some hints, some expectations, but for the rest it’s all pretty much void of romantic, but full of adventure and really creepy monsters! (Read my full review here)
  • All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater
    It’s been a while since I’ve read this, but I don’t remember a romantic subplot. Maybe a little on the outskirts of the story with the minor characters or in their back story (but only a LITTLE, if at all), but it’s a really cool and very unique story that I really, really love. (Read my full review here)
  • The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
    This is a story I haven’t seen talked about much and deserves much more hype! It has no romance at all, except a little in the beginning but I wouldn’t call that a romantic subplot at all (there’s off-page sex, but that’s only a small part of that characters’ story). But it IS really cool and shows life in Alaska.
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
    A classic, and NO romantic subplot, whatever the movies may claim.
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
    It’s been a while since I’ve read this one, but I remember really loving this thriller-esque mystery YA. No romance at all, at least, that I remember.
  • Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
    A graphic novel, and my favorite at that! No romantic plot (although there’s some suggested romance in the back story of some characters and at the ending, but it’s not part of the story mostly, and it is very cute).


I hope you enjoyed this list that got longer than I had expected 😛 Apparently there are more books without much romance than I thought, or perhaps I naturally gravitate towards them most of the time. Anyway, happy reading!


Some Books I Really Hope to Get to in 2019

Two days ago I made a post with my thoughts on reading goals and how they just don’t work for me. So I wanted to emphasize, that this list, that I will introduce in a second, is not really a goal, but more of a wish. I don’t strive to read these books this year, but rather hope I get to them at some point, and if not, that’s not a disaster.

So there’s been a bunch of books that caught my eye in 2018, but that I never managed to read, and I wanted to sum them up so I won’t forget them, and maybe finally get to them in 2019!

  • Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.
    I’ve really been meaning to pick up this book ever since the hype around it started, it sounds so interesting, but I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
    I have this really great copy of this book, a beautiful children’s edition with fairly large letters, but I just keep postponing reading it. But I think I might really enjoy it, so here’s to 2019.
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
    I haven’t even seen the movie, but it sounds like such a cute and funny book, that I just need to read it, I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
  • The Gloaming by Kirsty Logan
    I have this book. I own this book. I even took pictures of it for my review and Instagram posts, so sure I was I would read it this year. But then I didn’t. Maybe it’s just not the time yet, because it seems like an awesome book. Soon, though, very soon.
  • The Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks
    Ever since I saw the announcement that this book would come out, I’ve been meaning to read it. I think Tom Hanks is a great actor and I have a feeling he’s a great story teller as well (because what are actors but story tellers). I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
  • Eat Sweat Play by Anna Kessel
    I’ve been meaning to read more non-fiction and this book sounds suuuuper interesting, but I still haven’t got around to it yet. Sigh. This list is getting very long.
  • Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit
    I’ve been meaning to read this book for forever. But I’m giving it to my mom for Christmas so fingers crossed I’ll read it as well.


There’s probably more but I’m stopping before I’m getting disheartened!


What are some books you’ve been wanted to read and hope you will get to them in 2019? What books are you looking forward to reading this year? Let me know in the comments!