Retrograde Orbit by Kristyna Baczynski

★★★★★ IMG_20190223_155153_495

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Flint lives with her mother on the mining planet Tesla, where her family in het grandmother’s day was forced to evacuate after a nuclear disaster on their home planet. Flint has already dreamed of going back to her family’s roots and obsesses over it throughout her life. In the book we get to see her grow up from childhood to adulthood and see her obsession change and grow with her, as she struggles for recognition and a way to make contact with her past. A really cool tale about finding your own home and your own place in life, with absolutely beautiful illustrations (what I liked most were the colors, and how every color signified a certain episode of Flint’s life) against a background of an entirely planet so different from ours where ‘planet hopping’ is a form of travel, but full of oh so human and relatable people and their relationships (male/female friendship that does not turn romantic!). A rare and beautiful treat!


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